JSLint modified for old html
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bitwise : if bitwise operators should be allowed.
browser : if the standard browser globals should be predefined. (e.g. document)
couch : if Couch DB globals should be predefined. (e.g. emit)
devel : if the development globals should be predefined. (e.g. alert)
es6 : if using the good parts of ECMAScript Sixth Edition.
eval : if 'eval' should be allowed.
for : if the for statement should be allowed.
fudge : if the origin of a text file is line 1 column 1.
multivar : if a var, let, or const statement can declare two or more variables.
node : if Node.js globals should be predefined. (e.g. process)
single : if single quote should be allowed to enclose string literals.
this : if 'this' should be allowed.
white : if the whitespace rules should be ignored.

continue : if the continuation statement should be allowed.
eqeq : if '==' and '!=' operators should be allowed.
newcap : if constructor names capitalization should not be checked.
plusplus : if '++' and '--' operators should be allowed.
sloppy : if the "use strict"; pragma is optional.
window : if 'window' should be predefined.
numkey: if number hash keys should be allowed.
undecl: if undeclared variable warnings should be suppressed.
unused: if unused variable warnings should be suppressed.
scope: if out of scope warnings should be suppressed.
loop: if weird loops should be allowed.
cond: if the condition of 'if', 'while' and 'do' should not be checked.
shadow: if the declaretion that shadows outer scope variables should be allowed.

maxerr :
maxlen :
global :